Blog Settings

This page shows details of all available posts on the website. They can be managed, searched, added, deleted, and edited. The post creation date and post edit date are also detailed, including the number of views.

1. Go to the Blogmenu.

2. Go to All Posts”.

3. If you want to add a new post, click the button Add blogwhich you can see details in Add Blog.

4. If you want to sort the articles, enter a number in the number box in front of the article. Then click on the Sort button below.

5. In managing the blog system, there will be various symbols for managing articles as follows:

  • Pen: This is the part for managing and editing articles, such as editing the title of the article.
  • Eyes: In case the article is not ready to be displayed on the website page, it can be pressed to close the eyes. This article will not be displayed on the website. without needing to delete
  • Glasses: If the article has been added already and you want to check the articles on the website, you can click to see this symbol.
  • Paper: In case the article has similar content, there is no need to create a new one. Just click on the paper button. or copy button Then go into edit and press new record. It will help you not have to waste time creating a new one.
  • Rectangular box: This is a box in which to select an article. For example, if you want to delete an article from the website, click to select the box. Then click on the “Delete” button below.